
Rosh Hashanah for Animals

Written by Recustom Team | Sep 3, 2024 8:21:12 PM

The first day of the month of Elul happens to coincide with Rosh haShanah le-Behemah, or the Jewish New Year for Animals. 

In general, Elul is a time when we start to reflect on our relationships--which also means our furry friends (or reptile friends, fish friends, insect friends, etc. You get the gist). 

Here are two ways for you to commemorate this day by blessing the animals in your life. 

Rosh Hashanah for Animals Ceremony
Use this mini ceremony from Open Siddur to take a moment and reflect on all the ways animals support us. 

Blessing for Pets
Give thanks to the animals in your life with this short blessing.